“I am a certified Animal Physical Therapist (canine & feline) in Germany with 5 years of hands-on work experience.
Currently I practice in a renowned pet clinic in Cologne as well as private house calls.
In order to progress in my expertise and professional therapeutic skills I frequently undergo advanced training and education in different physiotherapy fields.
I have a special place in my heart for disabled pets as I own two paralyzed dogs myself and my personal interest lies in Neurology & Acupuncture.”
– Karolina Weiss

Initial Session

Approx. 1 hour/ Price: 60 SGD

This first session is focusing on the review of the medical history of your pet. We will discuss your pet’s former and current symptoms and physical health status while taking into account the diagnosis and reports from your vet.

A first evaluation of the possible rehabilitation outcome will be given as well as initial homework exercises will be instructed.

Follow-up Session

Individual time / Price: 30 SGD per 30 min

The follow-up sessions focus on reviewing the progress of your pet’s condition, answering upcoming questions from your side and instructing further practical exercises if your pet’s improved status allows this.

Follow-up sessions can be booked individually as required by you or the therapist.